Areas of expertise
- Banking & Insurance Recruitment
- Construction & Property Recruitment
- Accountancy & Finance Recruitment
- IT & Telecoms Recruitment
- Engineering & Supply Chain Recruitment
- Legal, HR, Commercial & Marketing Recruitment
- Financial Services Recruitment
- Healthcare Recruitment
- Contact - Register a Vacancy
Transform your organisation
If you are looking to recruit someone who can transform your organization, Hays will give you access to more talent, more rapidly, in more places than any other specialist recruitment company.
If you are looking for permanent, contract or temporary assignments our Hays consultants will provide you with expert insight into the specific industry and our online database will connect you with the best vacancies with France's leading employers.
Hays Recruiting experts worldwide is a global leader in recruiting qualified professionals, for temporary, permanent recruitment or contracting.
Hays can help you to find the right staff for your company and your job openings. Our main focus is to offer qualitative recruitment services to both our clients and our candidates. Our consultants are experts in their field and know the market and their region very well.
This allows them to offer you specialized and personalized recruitment services. Our goal is to put the right person in the right job. We recruit for 25 different domains going from Finance and Administration to IT and Construction. We’ve got both private and public clients.

Etablir un descriptif de poste
Pourquoi et comment rédiger un descriptif de poste ? Retrouvez tous nos conseils dans cette partie.

Motiver vos équipes
Est-ce que vous captivez vos équipes ? Quelles sont les méthodes à utiliser ?

Techniques d'entretien
Découvrez différentes techniques pour aborder un entretien selon votre objectif.
Contact us
Pierre Gromada
Alice Camblat
Deputy Director | Senior Appointment & Executive
Camille Codron
Deputy Director | Temporary Work
Pascaline Molinero
Deputy Director | Permanent recruitment
Adrien Boyard
Deputy Director | Consulting Services