We are Hays, trusted partner for your business or your career. We share with you the latest recruitment trends.
Find your dream job: A how-to guide
CV: How to Highlight International Experience?
Learning a language, a new culture, new working methods… your experience abroad is full of valuable lessons! Here are our tips for highlighting this experience on your CV.
CV: 7 tips for successfully choosing your professional photo
The twelve highest paid jobs in Luxembourg
Tips for answering the question: “tell me about yourself”
“Tell me about yourself” At first glance, this classic interview question seems easy to answer. So be careful what you answer.
10 signes qui montrent que votre entretien d'embauche est une réussite
Job interview: “Why do you want to leave your current job?”
10 tips to free yourself from mental load at work
"Have you had other interviews?” our tips for answering

What to say and what not to say to a recruiter who asks if you've had other job interviews.
How to manager a hybrid team?

When part of the team works in the office and the other part remotely, then you have to adapt. Here are our tips.
Adapting your CV to the job you’re applying for : our tips

Sending the same standard CV to 20 different companies is a no-no. On the contrary, you should always adapt your resume to the position you are applying for.
Telephone interview: dos and don'ts
Occupational psychologist: why and for whom?

What is the role of the occupational psychologist and why consult one? Our answers in this article.
6 tips for settling into your new team
Why create a company culture ?
What to do after a job interview?

After a job interview, what should you do? When and how should you follow up with the recruiter?
How to succeed at your second job interview ?

Find out how to prepare yourself to answer your interviewers well and finally get that job!
Salary: Know your worth

Salary is a crucial criteria for working people, whether they are looking for a new job, for a raise or are just curious. So, how much are you worth?
10 tips for working from home and maximising your productivity

Learn to optimise your organisational skills and efficiency when working from home.
Top 10 most common interview questions and how to answer them

“Tell me about yourself”, "What do you expect from your manager?” or "How would your family and friends describe you?”. Questions during a job interview can sometimes be daunting, especially if you arrive unprepared! To help you avoid being caught off guard and to make sure you put your best foot forward, we have listed the most frequently asked interview questions and their answers.
Luxembourg Salary Guide 2024
Find out what are the latest salary and recruitment trends in your sector.