La montée en gamme des interfaces client, la digitalisation de processus et le succès fulgurant du e-commerce sont autant de facteurs qui viennent confirmer la place indispensable des développeurs dans votre activité.
Tandis que la guerre des talents bat son plein, nous sommes prêt pour vous aider à recruter les talents qui auront un impact sur votre entreprise.
Laissez-nous vous trouver les meilleurs talents en Développement de Logiciels :
Que vous ayez besoin d'un Développeur front-end créatif pour améliorer votre expérience utilisateur, d'un Développeur back-end pour faire progresser votre transition vers le Cloud ou d'un Dévelpppeur mobile pour lancer votre nouvelle App sur les stores, nous avons ce qu'il vous faut.
Quel que soit l’obstacle sur lequel vous travaillez, nous avons établi des relations avec des Développeurs à travers la communauté du Développement de Logiciels.
Remplissez le formulaire à droite et nous vous contacterons dans les prochaines 24h.
Quel que soit l’obstacle sur lequel vous travaillez, nous avons établi des relations avec des Développeurs à travers la communauté du Développement de Logiciels.
Remplissez le formulaire à droite et nous vous contacterons dans les prochaines 24h.

Olivier Pacaud, Directeur IT Perm
France & Luxembourg
La réponse à vos questions sur le Développement de Logiciels
Cloud-native Engineers continue to be in short supply but high demand as organisations of all sizes across the world adopt Cloud at speed. Investment in AI is continuously growing as organisations want to make use of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
This means more developers will be needed to build AI functionality into software applications. Further developments in the use of VR, AR and MR will also create a need for more development expertise in these areas.
Competition remains high for Java and JavaScript engineers, and employers are also snapping up Developers with experience in Python. Full-stack Developers are especially prized by employers.
Requirements for those with expertise in cloud-based technologies and DevOps has seen exponential growth in recent months, causing demand for AWS, Docker, Kubernetes and GCP skills to continue to rise across several areas.
Software Developers today often need to be more than just literate with multiple programming languages. As the development landscape becomes even more complex, look out for those with evidence of good problem-solving skills who will be well suited to assess an issue and choose the best solution.
Strong communication skills are a must-have to allow a developer to have the most impact when suggesting viable technical solutions to business needs. Creativity is another useful trait that allows innovation to flourish.
The breadth of his knowledge and experience as a Developer obviously has an impact on his salary. Junior Developers can generally expect a salary of around 35 000 € to 40 000 € annually while senior Developers average between 42 000 € and 60 000 €. Technical Leaders can receive salaries of up to 75 000 € and development managers up to 85 000 €.
Average daily service rates will also vary. A junior Web Developer in service can generally earn 450 €, a junior front-end Developer 430 € per day and a junior Microsoft/Java/Opensource Developer 450 € per day. A senior front-end Developer will earn around 640 € per day and a fullstack Developer up to 570 €. Lead Devs in service can earn up to 650 € per day.
Average daily service rates will also vary. A junior Web Developer in service can generally earn 450 €, a junior front-end Developer 430 € per day and a junior Microsoft/Java/Opensource Developer 450 € per day. A senior front-end Developer will earn around 640 € per day and a fullstack Developer up to 570 €. Lead Devs in service can earn up to 650 € per day.
The real factor that can help your organisation to stand out from the competition is being able to prove your investment in upskilling. It’s obvious how much the Software Development landscape is evolving and a technology or language that’s currently popular may soon become obsolete.
Showcase your commitment to supporting an individual’s development either through investment in training using platforms, or an LMS like Hays Thrive, offering time off for upskilling or the opportunity to get involved with different project teams to broaden their skillset.